What does pleasure feel like to my body?
What practice consistently brings me home to my self?
When was the last time I felt truly joyful?
Where am I going in life?
Have you ever asked yourself one of these questions?
If you have, then embracing a WILDFEMlife journey is for you. This unique blend of S Factor feminine movement, meditation, breath, spirituality and self discovery has helped women world wide feel more relaxed, less anxious, lighter and free. There is more to your life, your body, your craft and your relationships inside you. All you need is to begin.
Let's Discover your deeper, richer, and more sensual self...she misses you!
Gentle S
Who are Gentle S students? Diverse women who desire to learn a language their body can speak freely, in a sacred setting. This one hour soulfully sexy feminine movement practice led by Master Teacher Jenn, will take you on an exploration of your body, emotionally and sensually. Finding pleasure and passion that ignites your life, through breath, sound and movement. For women who desire a more relaxed pace, with modified movement tailored to individual needs, Gentle S was created for you. Consisting of gentle stretches and ‘no to low impact’ movement with permission to do more if she wants! A focus on moving through S Factor’s Brain Immersion tools.
*All Levels of movement, no experience needed
*All stages of life: young teens to late adulthood
*All shapes and sizes
*Modified movement for past or present injuries or limitations
*Any woman who desires an emotional connection to her body
Private Movement Session
Do you desire a more intimate, personally curated experience? I would be honored to work with you one on one, in a private setting on a variety of areas. From the breaking down the language of S feminine movement and discovering how it moves in your body, to movement and feedback, to creating action plans in discovering pleasure sensually and sexually in your body.
The time is yours to explore deeper into your body.
WILDFEM Masterbody
The Masterbody program was designed for women who want to commit to a deeper practice. By creating a consistent movement practice twice a week, spending time with other S women in community and joining our monthly leadership calls you will learn how to create better body habits for a lifetime.
In addition you will have access to Jenn for a monthly call where you both will explore what's holding you back and how to Ignite your life.
*Unlimited access to weekly classes for women who are committed to exploring a movement practice in a deeper way
*Weekly Feminine Flame tools to ignite your fire
*Access to private Spotify playlists
*Monthly community calls, including special guest leaders
*Once a month 30 minute intimate private chat with Jenn
This Journey is for anyone wanting to go deeper with their transformation. Not only will you have access to all the Movement classes being offered monthly, you will have four private 1:1 sessions with Jenn per month. In addition to movement you will also spend four sessions a month with Jenn learning about will curate specifically needed con. Lasting change does not happen in one month, I ask for a commitment of at least 3 months to unlock the best practices that will support your lifelong desires. This program is only available to five women so please email me directly to learn more about the investment and commitment needed.
WILDFEMlife is for you if:
you are you spending too much time in your head and have a hard time feeling in your body.
you want to contribute to the world and people around you in a deeper, powerful, feminine way.
you have this “perfect” life on the outside but deep down you know there is something missing.
you want clarity and focus, to be more present, feel radiant and alive everyday.
you desire to live in community with like minded and embodied women.